Special Needs Common Questions

Happy Smiles!
Your questions are important to us. Here are a few of the commonly asked questions we hear. If you have any other questions or would like more information about a topic below, please contact us at 248-650-9490.
Our team is happy to elaborate on the answers below or answer any other question you may be wondering about. We may even add it to our list!
A: Yes. In fact it is also electric wheelchair accessible and gurney accessible.
A: Yes. We can treat them with or without IV Sedation.
A: The uncooperative patient is one of our most frequently seen patients. (No need to apologize for this)
A: Yes. The medications we use for IV Sedation have a similar effect as the seizure medications.
A: Yes. We can do diagnostic x-rays and treatment plan once the patient is asleep.
A: We have several techniques for administering medication that allow us to place the IV with patient cooperation.
A: During his anesthesia residency and the 17 years he worked at MCO, the hospital was the pediatric center for Northwest Ohio and treated special needs patients with various problems.
A: With the patient present Dr. Palmer will be discussing and evaluating your responses to the dental and medical questionnaires (patient forms). We also check and record the patient's vital signs: blood pressure, temperature, pulse oximeter reading, height, weight, checking the heart and lungs (limited physical exam).
A: No. The first appointment is a pre-anesthetic evaluation to determine whether the patient is healthy enough for the I.V. Sedation/General Anesthetic.
A: Dr. Palmer will take the child's temperature, height, weight, listen to the heart and get the oxygen saturation. He will also discuss the dental and medical questionnaires (patient forms).
A: Dr. Palmer is one of the few dentists in the country that is qualified to offer the full array of sedation options, including: oral conscious sedation (pills), I.V. sedation and general anesthesia (I.V. or anesthetic vapors). All options are available in our state of the art office using the best hospital grade equipment.
A:Dr. Palmer will personally work with you to help you choose the option that is right for you. His recommendation will be based on many factors including your medical history, your dental needs, safety needs and emotional state.
A: Yes, our staff is trained to help patients work through all barriers to receive their successful treatment. We will work with your: primary care physicians, medical specialists, care-givers, nursing home and social workers
A: Dr. Palmer is an experienced anesthesiologist and will personally administer the I.V. sedation and/or general anesthesia.
A: Dr. Palmer is one of the leading authorities on general anesthesia and dentistry. With over 17 years hospital-based experience and almost 30 years of private practice Dr. Palmer is one of the top providers of sedation dentistry in Michigan. In fact, many physicians/anesthesiologists from around the county have been trained by Dr. Palmer through his teaching and lecture positions at the Medical College of Ohio and Detroit Medical Center at Wayne State University.
A: General anesthesia is the most dependable of all sedation options because it enables medication to be accurately dosed and a patent's response to be accurately monitored. Dr. Palmer has over 17 years hospital-based experience in general anesthesia and uses hospital-grade equipment to accurately monitor the patients heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen level throughout the entire procedure.
A: Recovery time can vary for each patient. The majority of patients will fully recover from the effects of the anesthesia by that evening. However, we advise that all patients go home and rest for the remainder of the day following your procedure.
A: One of the biggest benefits of I.V. Sedation or General Anesthesia dentistry is that most treatments including multiple operations can be performed in one visit.
A: Of course. In fact, if you are to receive any type of sedation, you must bring a reassuring companion, spouse or parent to your treatment appointment.
A: Yes, any sedation option including oral sedation, I.V. sedation or general anesthesia will require that you have a person to drive you home.
A: Yes, Dr. Palmer regularly sees patients from throughout the Midwest and across the country.
A: Yes, our staff can assist you in working with your dental insurance carrier.
A: Yes, We have partnered with Care Credit, a heath care credit card specifically designed to pay for treatments and procedures not covered by insurance. We also accept Mastercard and Visa.