Special Needs


Powerful Smiles!

Dr. Palmer and his staff are proud to provide exceptional dental care for patients of all ages with special needs. Care is taken to provide an inviting and supportive atmosphere where patients can feel comfortable with our office, the staff and their procedures.

Dr. Palmer has more than 30 years of experience in dentistry for special needs patients. Our team is trained to lovingly provide the unique type of dental care that your special needs patient deserves. Our goal is to provide the special care needed in order to create total oral health and wellness for our patients.


Anesthesia and Special Needs Patients

From the standpoint of anesthesia Special Needs patients can be very challenging.  Medical issues, emotional issues, psychological issues come into play.  Each patient is unique and dealt with in an individual fashion. Our receptionist, dental assistant and Dr. Palmer work closely to make this visit and future appointments as stress-free as possible.

As a special needs dentist, we use modern technology to ensure optimal patient comfort, accurate diagnoses, and a safe, rewarding experience. Dr. Palmer is a licensed anesthesiologist as well as a skilled dentist. Our Rochester Hills, Michigan office can provide many forms of anesthesia, ranging from oral sedation to general anesthesia. Learn more about our sedation options here.

First Visit - Pre-Anesthetic Evaluation

At the first appointment a medical and dental history is taken.  Some patients may be required to submit results of  medical tests, whatever is appropriate for that patient. This is not only to determine if further testing is necessary but to establish a baseline for what is normal for this patient.   Only then is the patient scheduled for an IV Deep Sedation/General Anesthetic appointment.


Outpatient anesthesia occurs in our surgical suite which duplicates a hospital setting.  Our completely redesigned rooms allow for  wheelchair, electric wheelchair, and even gurney access.


We work in partnership with the referring dentist and the patient returns to his primary dental office for his periodic exam and cleaning.   If the patient has no primary dentist then  our office can become his dental office.

A sedation is done as needed and not necessarily every year.


  • The IV sedation provided by Dr. Palmer makes caring for our children's dental needs less stressful for them and for us. Without the professional and understanding support of Dr. Palmer and his staff we are not sure how we would care for our children's dental needs.
    Mr. & Mrs. B - Parents of two Children with Autism
  • "I don't worry about dental visits anymore! My boys feel comfortable and happy with Dr. P. He's great with kids with special needs... and great with moms who worry a lot!"
    Elizabeth C
    Mom of two boys with autism

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